Enhance your existing solution
Gray Quarter's Products
Gray Quarter subscription products are built to work with your existing government technology enterprise platform. Our solutions solve complex business problems by overcoming product gaps, layering alternative technologies with in-house products. We focus on enhancing your existing solution with direct integrations, a talented managed services team and offerings that complement your agency and staff.


Gray Quarter Wizard
G-WIZ routes public portal users to appropriate record based off natural AI search or a series of decision tree questions.

Managed Services
Scale your support model. We can do it all: development, testing, maintenance, administration — let us help you successfully serve your internal customers.

Inspection Manager
Gray Quarter Inspection Manager provides the control inspection managers need to optimize inspection routing and cost saving measures.
Electronic Signature
The Gray Quarter Electronic Signature interface allows for a seamless integration between an Agency’s existing platform and DocuSign or Adobe Sign.

GQ Text
Broaden your communication with GQ Text, seamlessly integrated with the Accela Civic Platform for enhanced efficiency and impact.

Payment Processor Integration
Integrating your custom payment processor has never been easier with our new and upcoming payment processor adapters.

Easy Scheduler
Easy Scheduler is a user-friendly web application that allows a permit-holder to quickly schedule inspections on their mobile phone or desktop browser.

Digital Plan Room
ePermitHub’s Digital Plan Room is an integrated and interactive digital plan review software to help minimize your agency's costs. Find out how.

Document Consolidation Service
The Gray Quarter Document Consolidator is a new offering that merges electronic document of nearly any type into a single PDF output.