Easy Scheduler
Easy Scheduler is a user-friendly web application that allows a permit-holder to quickly schedule inspections on their mobile phone or desktop browser. Easy Scheduler is a cloud-based application so it's effortless to install and manage with your existing Accela Civic Platform implementation. If your agency needs a streamlined user experience scheduling inspections, the Gray Quarter Easy Scheduler is the solution.
Multiple Inspections
Easy Scheduler allows you to schedule multiple inspections.
Four Easy Steps
No complicated processes.
Maintained by Gray Quarter
We ensure the integration is monitored, maintained, and secure.
Easy Scheduler
Designed for Simplicity
Inspections are scheduled from a single responsive web page. Most inspections can be scheduled without any typing, in just a handful of clicks.
Responsive Design
Your users will have an easy, straight forward inspection scheduling experience on both Mobile and Desktop sized screens and all modern browsers. (Also Internet Explorer 11!)
GPS Capabilities
Wouldn't it be nice to schedule the inspection from the inspection site on your phone? Easy Scheduler was designed with this mind. Permit holders can use the phone's location services to find and schedule their records.
Integrations Customizations
The Easy Scheduler can be paired with Inspection Manager and GQ Text for a seamless inspection process from initial request to back-office scheduling to notifications.
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