Payment Processor Integration
Gray Quarter has turnkey payment integration solutions for permitting and licensing solutions. Whether your agency has one merchant or many, Gray Quarter has experience implementing payment adapter solutions with public portal for a number of payment processors.

Streamlined Transactions
Enable seamless payment processing, making it easier for customers to complete purchases quickly and efficiently.
Improved User Experience
Integrating payment processors reduces friction during checkout, enhancing customer satisfaction and increasing conversion rates.
Use Your Existing Processor
Ensure that transactions comply with relevant regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.
Payment Processor Integration
Features & Benefits
Payment processor integrations enhance operational efficiency, improve customer experience, and ensure security and compliance, all of which are vital for business success.
Payment Processors
Below is an ever changing list of payment solutions Gray Quarter has implemented for our clients.
Forte Payment – Forte Checkout
Jetpay / NCR - Magic
Elavon – Converged Hosted Payments
CyberSource – Secure Acceptance
FIS Global
NIC – The Payment Engine
... Yours!
Rapid Implementation
Gray Quarter payment integrations typically take 30 days or less with custom solutions.
Subscription/Cloud Advantage
Support through GQ Help Desk. Hosted Production and Support environments. Monitor and maintain with cloud technologies through our Integration Platform (iPaaS).
Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is very important to us at Gray Quarter. Gray Quarter meets these standards and designs our interfaces and adapters with PCI compliant security in mind.
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