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Case study

How the City of Moreno Valley, California created a virtual counter focused on customer satisfaction

When I would meet with city staff prior to G-WIZ, they would say, “I can't find it or it's very hard” but now they say, “it was very easy, easy to follow,” overall it’s very positive feedback.

City of Moreno Valley, CA

Applications Analyst


The City of Moreno Valley, California needed more than a website refresh, their users were struggling to do business online. The City’s first challenge began with looking for an Electronic Plan Review vendor that provided a robust and integrated system.

The second challenge was providing a website that allowed customers to do business without repetitive or confusing processes. They considered several options in hopes of providing that "Amazon experience" so popular today.

As internal and vendor discussions went on, the City realized they needed more integration and user friendliness as opposed to just a refresh of their existing website. Their primary goal was to simplify the process for customers, reducing the need for multiple file uploads and improving the clarity of the application process. Overall, the City needed to rethink how they did online business and embrace moving away from in-person services.


The City selected ePermitHub’s Digital Plan Room to solve their electronic plan review needs. ePermitHub made the recommendation of Gray Quarter and G-WIZ to resolve the website updates, deep integration and additional challenges they were facing. The strong relationship between the two systems and knowledgeable staff helped solve the Cities’ concerns.

The integration between ePermitHub and G-WIZ solved the repetitive file upload issue customers were dealing with regularly, which saved customers and staff time and frustrations. The benefits continued as the team started focusing on using G-WIZ, now part of their website, as a customer by thinking as a virtual user would. This change of mindset allowed application specific tasks to be built into G-WIZ that guide users through selections to get the correct process. This reduced the wrong kind of permits/applications being created and allowed some processes to be completed without staff intervention.

We plan on adding additional services and departments in the wizard (G-WIZ), we would like to have that more of our central location. - Kimberlee Kruger, Enterprise System Administrator, City of Moreno Valley, CA

Through the use of G-WIZ, the City has solved their online customer service goals and allowed for a robust integration with ePermitHub to ensure plans and applications are submitted completely. The City plans to add more functionality to G-WIZ, including more permit options, additional departments, other City platforms, and applications over time.

About Moreno Valley, California

Population: 212,000

Location: 2nd largest city in Riverside County, CA



  • Not providing customers a good online process
  • Repetitive file uploads
  • No integration to Cities’ existing platform


  • Integrated solutions between ePermitHub, G-WIZ and City’s platform
  • Enterprise system with expansion options
  • Changing the way staff approach online business
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